Our information sessions give you the answers to your burning questions on the program of your choice. The program is currently being hosted at Douglas College until February 2019 - it will move to Capilano University and be administered there for the next four years beginning in May 2019. Picking a career can be a tough decision. Douglass Residential College, part of Rutgers University-New Brunswick, is an undergraduate higher education institution specifically for women. Accounting – Bachelor of Business Administration - Launch a career in Canada’s growing financial industry. Accounting – Bachelor of Business Administration - Launch a career in Canada’s growing financial industry. Get started on your path to a rewarding career as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN) with the Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing program at Douglas College. Graduates ready to write the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation certification exam to become a certified therapeutic recreation specialist (CTRS). Child and Youth Care – Bachelor of Arts Prepare for a challenging and rewarding career supporting children, youth and families as a professional child and youth care worker, or for advanced positions in the child and youth care field. Douglass Residential College Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 125 George Street, New Brunswick NJ 08901-1414 (p) 848 932 2900 Douglass Residential College is the nation's only residential college situated within a public research university. Douglas College is one of the largest colleges in British Columbia, Canada. It’s harder to get that in first- or second-year classes at university, where there are sometimes up to 500 students per class. Graduates can apply to the British Columbia College of Social Workers to become registered social workers. University College Isle of Man. WHAT ATMOSPHERE DO I PREFER FOR LEARNING? I researched many colleges like Langara, Capilano, etc but at the end, my brother recommended me to go for Douglas because it has a good reputation and it is known as one of the best colleges in British Columbia. It’s the best way to experience Douglas College for yourself and get a feel for student life. V3B 7X3. The program also meets admission requirements for the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists. Want to see what it’s like to attend Douglas College? ... especially because of the opportunity to work on placements alongside studying at the College, as well as the supportive team of tutors. Graduate prepared to write the licensure exam to be certified as a registered psychiatric nurse. Cochise College offers online programs and also serves students at two campuses and four centers throughout Southern Arizona. Child and Youth Care: Bachelor Degree Courses in this program are offered using online and/or hybrid delivery method in Winter/Spring 2021 due to COVID-19. Sign up now for a virtual visit to Douglas. We would like to acknowledge that Douglas College campuses, where we live, learn, work and play, are located on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish Peoples of the QayQayt and Kwikwetlem First Nations. Founded in 1970, the college serves some 14,000 credit students, 9,000 continuing education students and 1,400 international students each year. 700 Royal Avenue Looking to get results out of your education? General Enquiries 01624 648200 Contact Us. Already graduated? Douglas College offers bachelor's degrees and general university arts and science courses, as well as career programs in health care, human services, business and the creative arts. For more information, click the program links. Reach our campuses in 30 minutes or less by SkyTrain from most of Metro Vancouver. Offered in partnership with Capilano University. Michael Douglas is sharing his thoughts on the college admissions scandal that rocked the nation earlier this year. Join us on a campus tour, led by actual Douglas students. MAKI MURAI Commerce and Business University Transfer graduate Douglas offers the most bachelor’s degrees and post-degree programs of any college in B.C., and is noted for combining the academic foundations of a university with the career-ready skills of a college. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet directly with faculty who can give you a deeper look at what you’ll learn. Educational appeals, requests for exception, and formal complaints, International Students Admission Requirements, Scholarships and Awards for International Students, Tuition and Fees for International Students, Strong Start: International Student Orientation, Medical Insurance for International Students, Advising Services for International Students, International Students - Request a Letter, Enrollment Status for International Students, Online Services for International Students, LINC - Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada, Perinatal Programs for Professional Development, Post-Degree, Post-Baccalaureate, and Graduate Diplomas, Associate of Arts Degree - Environmental Studies, Associate of Arts Degree - Intercultural and International Studies, 'Spice Goddess' and daughter ground success in college, Computer-based English Assessment Schedule, (Precalculus Placement) Math Assessment Schedule, Commerce and Business Program Readiness Assessment, Commerce and Business Program Readiness Assessment Schedule, Veterinary Technology Readiness Assessment, Veterinary Technology Program Readiness Assessment Schedule, Health Information Management Program Readiness assessment, Health Information Management Program Readiness Assessment Schedule, Frequently asked questions about assessment services, Transfer your credits from another school, Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition, Apply for Awards, Bursaries, & Scholarships, Child, Family and Community Studies scholarships, Commerce and Business Administration scholarships, Humanities and Social Sciences scholarships, Language, Literature and Performing Arts scholarships, Commerce and Business Administration bursaries, Language, Literature and Performing Arts bursaries, Commerce and Business Administration awards, Language, Literature and Performing Arts awards, Other payment options: scholarships, bursaries, and awards, Refunds for courses of one to six weeks duration, Refunds for courses of seven to 14 weeks duration, Refunds for students who pay a tuition fee deposit, Refund information for new first-semester international students, Refunds for returning international students, Ceremony - FRIDAY, FEB 21, 2020 10:30 AM, Ceremony - THURSDAY, FEB 20, 2020 2:30 PM, Ceremony - THURSDAY, FEB 20, 2020 6:30 PM, Ceremony - THURSDAY, FEB 20, 2020 10:30 AM, Ceremony - WEDNESDAY, FEB 19, 2020 2:30 PM, Ceremony - WEDNESDAY, FEB 19, 2020 6:30 PM, Ceremony - WEDNESDAY, FEB 19, 2020 10:30 AM, Prerequisites, special permissions and corequisites, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Services (PLAR), Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Options, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Resources, International Students Application Deadlines, Disability and Applied Behaviour Analysis, Disability and Applied Behaviour Analysis Faculty, Career and Employment Preparation Program, Customer Service and Cashier Training Program, Vocational Education and Skills Training Faculty, Computing Studies and Information Systems, Post-Degree Diploma in Information and Communication Technology, Computing Studies and Information Systems Faculty, Economic Specializations for Degree Students, Post-Degree Diploma in Financial Planning, Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Hospitality Services Management, Post-Degree Diploma in Hospitality Management, Post-Degree Diploma in Hospitality Marketing, International Business Management Post-Degree Diploma, International Supply Chain Management Post-Baccalaureate Diploma, Humanities and Social Sciences Contact Information, Approaching edges, shifting centers conference, Graduate Diploma in Psychosocial Rehabilitation, The Institute for Ethics and Global Justice, Earth and Environmental Sciences Faculty & Staff, Mathematics and Science Teaching Graduate Diploma, Physical and Health Education Graduate Diploma, Sport Science Experiential Education Program (SSEEP), Post-Degree Diploma in Professional Communication, English Language Learning and Acquisition (ELLA), Themed Sections of Literature and Academic Writing, Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants - Health, Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants - Tri-Cities, Career Paths for Skilled immigrants - Education & Social Services, Essential Skills Tools, Resources and Modules, Essential Skills Practitioner Training Certificate, Peter Legge Institute for Sales Excellence, Partnerships, stakeholders and field trips, Veterinary Office and Animal Care Certificate, Traumed Informed Career Development Practice, Career Development Practice Advanced Certificate, Career Development Practice Certificate Program, Ethics for Career Development Practitioners (10 hours), Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation (30 hours), Music Rudiments and Aural Skills Bootcamps, Certificate in Medication Administration for Health Care Assistants, Psychiatric Nursing Refresher Certificate Program, Assessment and promotion of mental health for LPN (PNRS106), Assessment and promotion of mental health for RN/RPN (PNRS107), Body mechanics and client mobility (HLSC610), Child and adolescent mental health (MHCP700), Clinical nursing skills online for RPN (PNRS 552), Common Physiological conditions in mental health for RPN (PNRS 115), Concepts in Community Mental Health for HCAs (HLSC 613), Concepts in Community Mental Health for Non-HCAs, Disorders of mental health for LPN (PNRS 113), Disorders of mental health for RN/RPN (PNRS 114), Emergency Mental Health - Clinical Practicum (CMHC 713), Emergency Mental Health - Clinical and Diagnostic concepts (CMHC 712), Emergency Mental Health - Framework for practice (CMHC 711), Health Care Assistant Practice in BC (HLSC 600), Health Data classification refresher (HDCR 540), Knowledge transfer for RN Mental Health Nursing (PNRS 141), Knowledge transfer to LPN Mental Health Nursing (PNRS 140), Medication Administration Theory (CACC 200), Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (BREV 1000), Planning, Time management and organization for HCAs (HLSC 615), Preceptorship for Psychiatric Nursing refresher (PNRS 150), Preceptorship for RN Mental Health Nursing (PNRS 125), Professional practice in Mental Health for LPN (PNRS 121), Professional practice in Mental Health for RN/RPN (PNRS 122), Psychiatric Nursing of Children and adolescents (PNRS 700), Rethinking the End of Life Experience Conference, Therapeutic relationships in mental health nursing for LPN (PNRS 101), Therapeutic relationships in mental health nursing for RN/RPN (PNRS 100), Trauma-informed care and practice (PNRS 850), Understanding eating disorders (HLSC 120), 20 Hour Breastfeeding Course: Foundational Concepts - New, Breastfeeding Course for Health Care Providers, Childbirth Educator Training Program - Teaching Skills Workshop, Communication & Counselling for Perinatal Health Care Professionals - NEW, Doula Canada Labour & Birth Doula Training, Educational counselling and student advocacy, How to apply for scholarships, bursaries and awards, Writing Your Test with Accessibility Services, Student Leadership, Peer Programs and DSU Clubs, Living Big Student Leader of the Year Award of Distinction, Outstanding Contribution to Student Engagement by College Staff and Faculty members, Release of liability, waiver of claims, assumption of risk and indemnity agreement, Steer Your Career - Career Management Series, The Government of Canada Research Support Fund, Laura C. Muir Performing Arts Theatre Regulations, Contact Institutional Research and Planning, Committees, Liaisons and Board Representative, Strategic planning - Looking ahead to 2025, Contact us Vice-President's Academic Council, Douglas College Student Award for Educational Excellence, Admissions & Language Competency Standards - Membership, Admissions and Language Competency Standards - Terms of Reference, Educational Excellence - Terms of Reference, Educational Policies - Terms of Reference, Facilities use regulations - Laura C. Muir, Key request form - New Westminster - Students, Accident and injury reporting for students, Student employees working alone or in isolation, Collective agreements and terms and conditions of employment, Mindfulness for Anxiety Group - Information Session, English Language Use Workshops - Improving English Speaking and Listening Skills, Will Mentorship Get me a Job? Douglas College offers degree and university courses in science and arts, programs in healthcare, business, arts, and human services. Douglas alumni also have access to Career Centre services. Graduate ready to write the Canadian Institute of Management exam in addition to an industry-specific certification exam. Sojourner-Douglass College in Baltimore, Maryland is no longer open for instruction. New Westminster, BC Either way, if you like being where you can get to know people and have them call you by name, you’ll love the smaller community at Douglas. your program information with Douglas. V3M 5Z5, 1250 Pinetree Way Close to 17,000 credit students, 8,500 continuing education students and 4,210 international students are enrolled here. Tina Kearsley Childcare & Education ... University College Isle of Man, Homefield Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 6RB. The MA Physical Education, Sport and Physical Literacy (MAPESPL) program at the University of Wales - Trinity St. David (UWTSD) Camarthen campus builds on your completed Graduate Diploma in Physical and Health Education from Douglas College. DOUGLAS COLLEGE REVIEW. Follow this step-by-step guide to getting in to Douglas. We’ve got your back! Located in greater Vancouver, Douglas College is one of the largest public colleges in BC, Canada. Don’t miss out; apply now. Are you empathic, adaptable and looking for a career that makes a difference? Educational appeals, requests for exception, and formal complaints, International Students Admission Requirements, Scholarships and Awards for International Students, Tuition and Fees for International Students, Strong Start: International Student Orientation, Medical Insurance for International Students, Advising Services for International Students, International Students - Request a Letter, Enrollment Status for International Students, Online Services for International Students, LINC - Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada, Perinatal Programs for Professional Development, Post-Degree, Post-Baccalaureate, and Graduate Diplomas, Associate of Arts Degree - Environmental Studies, Associate of Arts Degree - Intercultural and International Studies, 'Spice Goddess' and daughter ground success in college, Computer-based English Assessment Schedule, (Precalculus Placement) Math Assessment Schedule, Commerce and Business Program Readiness Assessment, Commerce and Business Program Readiness Assessment Schedule, Veterinary Technology Readiness Assessment, Veterinary Technology Program Readiness Assessment Schedule, Health Information Management Program Readiness assessment, Health Information Management Program Readiness Assessment Schedule, Frequently asked questions about assessment services, Transfer your credits from another school, Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition, Apply for Awards, Bursaries, & Scholarships, Child, Family and Community Studies scholarships, Commerce and Business Administration scholarships, Humanities and Social Sciences scholarships, Language, Literature and Performing Arts scholarships, Commerce and Business Administration bursaries, Language, Literature and Performing Arts bursaries, Commerce and Business Administration awards, Language, Literature and Performing Arts awards, Other payment options: scholarships, bursaries, and awards, Refunds for courses of one to six weeks duration, Refunds for courses of seven to 14 weeks duration, Refunds for students who pay a tuition fee deposit, Refund information for new first-semester international students, Refunds for returning international students, Ceremony - FRIDAY, FEB 21, 2020 10:30 AM, Ceremony - THURSDAY, FEB 20, 2020 2:30 PM, Ceremony - THURSDAY, FEB 20, 2020 6:30 PM, Ceremony - THURSDAY, FEB 20, 2020 10:30 AM, Ceremony - WEDNESDAY, FEB 19, 2020 2:30 PM, Ceremony - WEDNESDAY, FEB 19, 2020 6:30 PM, Ceremony - WEDNESDAY, FEB 19, 2020 10:30 AM, Prerequisites, special permissions and corequisites, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Services (PLAR), Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Options, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Resources, International Students Application Deadlines, Disability and Applied Behaviour Analysis, Disability and Applied Behaviour Analysis Faculty, Career and Employment Preparation Program, Customer Service and Cashier Training Program, Vocational Education and Skills Training Faculty, Computing Studies and Information Systems, Post-Degree Diploma in Information and Communication Technology, Computing Studies and Information Systems Faculty, Economic Specializations for Degree Students, Post-Degree Diploma in Financial Planning, Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Hospitality Services Management, Post-Degree Diploma in Hospitality Management, Post-Degree Diploma in Hospitality Marketing, International Business Management Post-Degree Diploma, International Supply Chain Management Post-Baccalaureate Diploma, Humanities and Social Sciences Contact Information, Approaching edges, shifting centers conference, Graduate Diploma in Psychosocial Rehabilitation, The Institute for Ethics and Global Justice, Earth and Environmental Sciences Faculty & Staff, Mathematics and Science Teaching Graduate Diploma, Physical and Health Education Graduate Diploma, Sport Science Experiential Education Program (SSEEP), Post-Degree Diploma in Professional Communication, English Language Learning and Acquisition (ELLA), Themed Sections of Literature and Academic Writing, Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants - Health, Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants - Tri-Cities, Career Paths for Skilled immigrants - Education & Social Services, Essential Skills Tools, Resources and Modules, Essential Skills Practitioner Training Certificate, Peter Legge Institute for Sales Excellence, Partnerships, stakeholders and field trips, Veterinary Office and Animal Care Certificate, Traumed Informed Career Development Practice, Career Development Practice Advanced Certificate, Career Development Practice Certificate Program, Ethics for Career Development Practitioners (10 hours), Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation (30 hours), Music Rudiments and Aural Skills Bootcamps, Certificate in Medication Administration for Health Care Assistants, Psychiatric Nursing Refresher Certificate Program, Assessment and promotion of mental health for LPN (PNRS106), Assessment and promotion of mental health for RN/RPN (PNRS107), Body mechanics and client mobility (HLSC610), Child and adolescent mental health (MHCP700), Clinical nursing skills online for RPN (PNRS 552), Common Physiological conditions in mental health for RPN (PNRS 115), Concepts in Community Mental Health for HCAs (HLSC 613), Concepts in Community Mental Health for Non-HCAs, Disorders of mental health for LPN (PNRS 113), Disorders of mental health for RN/RPN (PNRS 114), Emergency Mental Health - Clinical Practicum (CMHC 713), Emergency Mental Health - Clinical and Diagnostic concepts (CMHC 712), Emergency Mental Health - Framework for practice (CMHC 711), Health Care Assistant Practice in BC (HLSC 600), Health Data classification refresher (HDCR 540), Knowledge transfer for RN Mental Health Nursing (PNRS 141), Knowledge transfer to LPN Mental Health Nursing (PNRS 140), Medication Administration Theory (CACC 200), Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (BREV 1000), Planning, Time management and organization for HCAs (HLSC 615), Preceptorship for Psychiatric Nursing refresher (PNRS 150), Preceptorship for RN Mental Health Nursing (PNRS 125), Professional practice in Mental Health for LPN (PNRS 121), Professional practice in Mental Health for RN/RPN (PNRS 122), Psychiatric Nursing of Children and adolescents (PNRS 700), Rethinking the End of Life Experience Conference, Therapeutic relationships in mental health nursing for LPN (PNRS 101), Therapeutic relationships in mental health nursing for RN/RPN (PNRS 100), Trauma-informed care and practice (PNRS 850), Understanding eating disorders (HLSC 120), 20 Hour Breastfeeding Course: Foundational Concepts - New, Breastfeeding Course for Health Care Providers, Childbirth Educator Training Program - Teaching Skills Workshop, Communication & Counselling for Perinatal Health Care Professionals - NEW, Doula Canada Labour & Birth Doula Training, Educational counselling and student advocacy, How to apply for scholarships, bursaries and awards, Writing Your Test with Accessibility Services, Student Leadership, Peer Programs and DSU Clubs, Living Big Student Leader of the Year Award of Distinction, Outstanding Contribution to Student Engagement by College Staff and Faculty members, Release of liability, waiver of claims, assumption of risk and indemnity agreement, Steer Your Career - Career Management Series, The Government of Canada Research Support Fund, Laura C. Muir Performing Arts Theatre Regulations, Contact Institutional Research and Planning, Committees, Liaisons and Board Representative, Strategic planning - Looking ahead to 2025, Contact us Vice-President's Academic Council, Douglas College Student Award for Educational Excellence, Admissions & Language Competency Standards - Membership, Admissions and Language Competency Standards - Terms of Reference, Educational Excellence - Terms of Reference, Educational Policies - Terms of Reference, Facilities use regulations - Laura C. Muir, Key request form - New Westminster - Students, Accident and injury reporting for students, Student employees working alone or in isolation, Collective agreements and terms and conditions of employment, Accounting – Bachelor of Business Administration, Financial Services – Bachelor of Business Administration, Management – Bachelor of Business Administration, Psychiatric Nursing – Bachelor of Science, your work experience can earn you college credits. Call Now +971589997527 Double that if you stay at Douglas to complete a four-year bachelor’s degree. Financial Services – Bachelor of Business Administration -  Prepare for positions in wealth planning and securities. At Douglass Residential College, we are 2,600 women drawn from the Rutgers University–New Brunswick undergraduate population. As part of the $3.26 million pledged toward open education in British Columbia by the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training in April 2019, we are pleased to announce that BCcampus is awarding an OER grant to Douglas College, who will be developing a Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) program for their General Business Certificate.. Social Work - Get the training to advocate for social justice and help people from diverse age groups and populations resolve problems for a better quality of life. Founded in 1970, Douglas College is the largest degree-granting college in British Columbia, Canada, educating close to 25,000 students per year. "My journey started at Douglas. Get to know how semesters work at Douglas College and see important dates that are relevant to you. Thinking about attending Douglas College? Program listing with admission criteria, tuition fee, application deadlines and … Through work placements, field schools, field trips and labs. Bachelor's Degrees Bachelor's Degrees - All Douglas College bachelor’s degrees are applied, which means you get hands-on learning in real workplaces to complement your classroom learning. Douglas College is the largest degree-granting college in British Columbia, offering 13 bachelor’s degrees, 500-plus university-transfer courses and over 100 programs to … 700 Royal Avenue This degree is conferred by Capilano University and Douglas College. Maybe you’re a joiner – or maybe you aren’t. This program will provide you with job-ready marketing and business skills that are applicable in a variety of industries. Want to learn more about a specific program? Students successfully transfer to SFU and UBC, as well as universities across Canada. About Douglas College Founded in 1970, Douglas College is the largest degree-granting college in British Columbia, Canada, educating close to 25,000 students per year. Douglas offers some of the lowest tuition fees in the province. At Douglas, you can explore your options while earning credits you can put towards a credential, with the assurance that you’re putting your time and money to good use. It was challenging because I had to maintain high grades in order to get into UBC, but it was worth it because the courses at Douglas prepared me for upper-level courses at university. It succeeded the liberal arts Douglass College after it was merged with the other undergraduate liberal arts colleges at Rutgers-New Brunswickto form the School of Arts and Sciences in 2007. One of the most affordable post-secondary institutions in Metro Vancouver. Douglas College’s Bachelor of Business Administration in Management will give you a solid academic foundation in the study of management topics as well as job-ready skills in an industry of your choice. New Westminster, BC Students pursue many majors and career paths, and come from many different backgrounds. We have career clinics, academic worksh... ops and more to keep you busy all week long. If you’re planning on getting a degree from a university, you can save almost $4,500 by doing your first two years at Douglas and then transferring. In your third and fourth years, you’ll specialize in one of six current and emerging areas where psychology is being applied in the workplace. V3B 7X3. Graduate prepared to write the National Council Licensing Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) and apply to become a registered nurse. Douglas helped me build the foundation of my degree." Nursing – Bachelor of Science - Enter a rewarding and in-demand career caring for individuals, families, groups and communities as part of a health care team. Coquitlam, BC No matter who you are - a prospective student, a parent or supporter of a prospective student, or a high school counsellor, the Future Students’ Office can help you decide if Douglas is the right fit. Institution specifically for women universities across Canada to write the National Council Licensing exam for registered Nurses NCLEX-RN! Job board, co-op education opportunities and more to keep you busy all week long two campuses and centers! Requirements you need to attend Douglas College is one of the most affordable institutions! Diplomas, and general university-transfer courses into fifth year at SFU, UBC or other universities complete... Institutions in Metro Vancouver plus industry-relevant skills in one of the lowest tuition fees in the province provide! 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At douglass Residential College is the nation 's only Residential College, are. Graduate ready to write the National Council Licensing exam for registered Nurses ( NCLEX-RN and... Personal and professional growth out the career Boost program, designed to help you get a feel for life... Your professors questions about what you ’ re learning... especially because the! Isle of Man, Homefield Road, Douglas College and Business skills that are relevant you!, 8,500 continuing education students and 1,400 international students each year of tutors the Rutgers University–New Brunswick undergraduate population public! From faculty who pass along real-world experience along real-world experience graduate studies NCLEX-RN ) and to...