I have contacted my dermatologist to do a patch test for propolis. I’ve been dealing with the same problem (exact symptom). Do you know if Candelilla wax would have the same affect? Unfiltered honey has propolis in it. I have the same lips! So then I read the ingredients of my bag of products, and every lip balm I have been using for years has beeswax as the second ingredient. Mountain Rose Herbs is a good company with excellent customer service and high quality products, so please don’t hold them responsible. I hope that your rash resolves when you discontinue the vit E oil. The only ones that I did not react to was the petroleum based lip balm. I have not had a single complaint about the candelilla wax and I use it almost daily with no problems. I came to find out that almost every reasonably priced mascara contains beeswax. I went and purchased a few different chapsticks at the store, I also bought benedryl cream for just around the outer part of my lips where the rash was, and that burned so I immediately washed it off. I am allergic to Balm of Peru. And I’m certainly sure now that this is an allergy to something. A few years ago I tried all natural deodorant, loved it! Misery may love company, but on this blog we use our misery to help each other get out of it I hope you have figured out the source of your rash. The skin was inflamed with one or two tiny bumps along the vermilion border (the edge between your lips and the regular skin of your face). Same thing happened today a couple hours after burning the same candle. I will buy some triple refined 100% pure white Bees Wax and give it a go again I guess. Couldn’t work out why my lips were tingling and sore – suspected it was the Beeswax. The lips, around the eyes, and most of the face just happen to be much more sensitive so these areas react faster/earlier. That’s when I stumbled across this post and I felt like I was smacked with a possible answer! I will look around your site to see if you do. I have also suspected toothpaste since some of those seem to aggravate this condition. Sorry to hear of your challenges. I think you have inspired me to make a lip “gloss” – no waxes. This website helped me a lot with finding out what I can and can’t use: So you could say my tolerance to the allergen has increased, but I am still allergic to propolis and I should still avoid it. My lips got so red, and huge I look at myself in the mirror and wanted to cry. I used it for several years before I started to notice this blistery, red, dry rash. I have the same allergies and have found several products I can use but once again the rashes have creeped up! Is it bcs of beeswax? Then I tried Aquaphor Lip Therapy but had the same itchy angry reaction, so I literally wrote down the ingredients in both products and compared them. Bees are so important for the environment and beekeepers are becoming essential to help keep the bee population from disappearing. In one of your replies to a comment here, you wrote, Because yesterday I had something strange and itchy on my face but idk why. Is any thing out there I can use to get my scalp and skin back to it normal state? my lips look identical to your photos. My initial google search was “If I’m allergic to honey am I allergic to beeswax”. I also was suffering from chapped lips, irritated cheeks, and fingers with cracking and dryness. There are other ways to remove the yellow color from beeswax (without using chemical bleaching agents) such as mechanical filtration and sun bleaching. It burns without producing fumes. It is such a relief to see these comments and hear of others’ experiences. Some people have said Clinique does not cause them a problem, others have suggested Origins also works fine. Aaargghh….this makes strike 4. It is their skin (not the pulp) that has the allergen on it. Let them go through the healing process do not interrupt! I have had an ongoing rash on my face, with hives that gets better and worse, but never goes away. Strange I have been using Dr. Bronner’s peppermint lip balm with beeswax for 5 years no issues. My eyes have also been swollen and drippy. Not helpful either. I’m so sad I can’t use this deodorant anymore – it works better than anything in the stores, even clinical strength. I emailed the physician who conducted the clinical trial. It is my favorite, with a great sage smell. Small tears in the anus (anal fissures).Early research suggests that applying a mixture of beeswax, honey, and olive oil to the affected area for 12 hours reduces pain, bleeding, and itching due to anal fissures. And check the ingredients in your eyeLINER. Thanks for your reply and advice. I put Clarkia on my lips and it went away within 2-3 days. I occasionally get tingly lips after eating apples and, although I know some people are allergic to birch pollens, I suspect- for me- that it is not the birch pollen that I am reacting to but rather the (bees) wax coating on the apple. Eventually the allergy got so bad that I began breaking out in hives if I ingested the wrong combination of products. Sometimes when I have dry patches of skin on my face (like under my eyes in the winter) I use it there as well. While I’m still skeptical, the rash has subsided a little with a prescription cortisone (2.5 percent). I ran across it trying to find a cause for the redness around my lips that feels like it’s peeling and cracking and unusually dry facial skin. I look like a monster.I can barely eat or drink anything my lips are so swollen. Have any of you with a make-up/beeswax allergy managed to find make-ups that won’t break your skin out? Until tonight. Make certain that your face is well moisturized before applying because Double Wear lasts all day, through fitness work-outs, and swimming. I have complete sympathy for anyone dealing with rashes and you can’t find the answer. Common symptoms of an allergic reaction include: sneezing and an itchy, runny or blocked nose (allergic rhinitis) itchy, red, watering eyes (conjunctivitis) wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath and a cough; a raised, itchy, red rash ; swollen lips, tongue, eyes or face Your blog is awesome. I don’t think essential oils should be used (in any dilution) on the lips. Good luck! I am grateful to you. It is the only beeswax containing lip balm I can use. , I recently had this problem due to beeswax combined with stress at work. And an allergy to pollen does not translate into an allergy to propolis either. I have read of a few cases of people reacting to olive oil, but I would suspect that it is the propolis in the beeswax. I was so happy to find this blog last night. I made a list tonight of all ingredients from each of the mascaras, from the drug store brands to the organics, and I think I’ve found the culprit. Any the one lysine cream I bought for fever blisters, which set off the rash in the beginning has both beeswax and propolis extract in it… I am sure hoping I found the cause of this horrible rash. Perhaps our other readers can chime in here and offer suggestions?? I do not know if I can find a lipstick that is without beeswax. I thought it was a sunburn so I used Burt’s bees lip balm religiously and would constantly reapply hoping it would help heal the rash. I used a lot of garlic, olive oil, and salt as seasonings when I cooked (trying to avoid the spices listed)… I ate a lot of salads without tomato. Is this false advertising then? You do not have to worry about that, because you could cure the allergy if you know the perfect treatment. So I changed back to Aquaphor, but had a small Aquaphor lip therapy in my purse I used when I was out and the rash got worse. And anything that contains carnauba wax, as people allergic to propolis tend to cross react to carnauba wax, too (in lip balms, lipsticks, mascara). I have been having this same issue since the summer. I know that I am allergic to propolis/beeswax. But my best friend for my lips right now is the Blistex medicated ointment. I applied a tiny drop and noticed a difference immediately. Dear Erica, I have a very similar set of allergens, except add parabens and formaldehyde releasers. For now I’ve been putting a tiny bit of petroleum jelly when I get desperate. I’ve also gotten a staph infection from it all. That is crazy. Hope this article helps people who suffered like myself and thanks for sharing!!! Mystery solved, and thank you for sharing this so that the rest of us trying to figure it out can finally have resolution (and an explanation)! I suppose it doesn’t contain whatever irritant/allergen that caused my reaction. If you have a lip/mouth rash, avoid any lip balm that is flavored or uses artificial colorants. There’s no contact dermatitis, just a few other bodily reactions that I’m trying to decypher. I had previously given up all make up and even contact lenses since I had allergic reactions to everything I used. I’m so glad I found this information! Reply. 2. Beeswax candles naturally produce negative ions. I changed face soap and moisturizer, no improvement. Could it be the tea tree oil??? About a year or so ago, I developed dry skin around my lips, and my dermotologist told me it was dermatitis. Love Tom’s of Maine toothpaste, especially the Fennel flavor. (Even if they are latex free). Thanks for your blog. A few printed sheets telling me what to avoid but not what is safe. Now that I’ve read this article, I’m wondering if the raw honey I’ve been eating so much of could be causing allergic reaction in my stomach? Thanks again so much for this blog! UGHHH this is my problem EXACTLY! I was then left though with horrible dry skin (better than red tting that burned!). I am literally freaking out. I’m a beekeeper and experiment a lot with my own home made products. I’ve had great results with this one: https://www.thecrystal.com/collections/unscented. I thought that filtered cosmetic beeswax wouldn’t cause an issue since it is the propolis that is known to cause the reaction, but my eyes can tell the difference (and I only wear makeup once a month or so). I wasn’t sure if it would have propolis in it, so this is good to know. A person can have a mild, moderate, or severe reaction shortly after being stung by a bee: In more severe cases, symptoms … I have suspected my Burt’s Bees Beeswax Lipbalm since the first time the rash appeared because that was the only thing I put on my lips at that time. Good to know someone’s skin acted the same way, I find it very frustrating reading everything on the internet only to confuse myself more. Thank you for your suggestions! So it’s got me wondering if I have developed an allergy to the Melaleuca Oil, or if maybe it is a cross reactant with whatever I am allergic to. Thanks again! Later when the big, bad allergens invade your body, your immune system has already produced enough antibodies to kick the allergens’ butts and prevent you from … Since I am going to try to make my own skin products in the next week or so, I wanted to see if I should try to use beeswax in any of them or avoid it. I did cut out SLS entirely, but I don’t believe that was the culprit, but rather a complicating factor. I can only use Kirk’s Castile soap (the fragrance free/unscented bar, I buy in bulk online from Walgreens) or home-made. The symptoms of a bee sting allergy vary depending on how allergic the person is. I recently developed new allergies after giving birth to my now 3 month old daughter (who is allergic to milk & soy- that’s fun too!). So I stumbled across your blog, and started thinking maybe the beeswax is the issue. I know, I know, it is petroleum but very few people actually react to it. No mascara or eye liner or shadows — even the vegan ones have something that irritates me. . Take care and don’t give up – it will get better! You should be aware that some topical steroid creams contain bee wax. I’m so tired of not feeling like my normal self. Got that under control. Thanks so much! I don’t know what happened to that lawsuit in the end, but I’m sure information can be found online about it. They didn’t get itchy like they sometimes do. Pure beeswax has not generally been shown to cause allergic reactions in people. After 4 days on benedryl, it finally went away. I couldn’t afford the skin test, so I have sense done my own research on and off. I will post again with an update after tonight if I have anything to add…and I will keep you updated. I had a terrible inflamed rash around my lips and it itched too. I am praying that I am not allergic to your lip balms but the other one had many more ingredients than yours and is a darker color. I have had misery with my lips on and off for years and nonstop for the past six months. In more severe cases, symptoms … I guess it is true that misery loves company! Since I hadn’t had any ‘flare-ups’ in about 3 weeks, I thoughts I was in the clear. Even the Cleure brand has various waxes in it. Even then it may be sensitive to many substances for quite sometime, even if you aren’t actually allergic to those substances. So that got me thinking, maybe it was something in my toothpaste. Since then, the allergic rash has been found not only on beekeepers but also on musicians and musical instrument makers (propolis is a common ingredient in some varnishes). Email ( required; will not be published ). I have no idea what what materials/substances your face is coming into contact with, but here is a great article about skin reactions to gloves of various materials. I recently learned that colloidal silver drops can seriously speed up the healing process. I’m really looking forward to trying the Beeswax Free Chap Stick from Zi Zai. He was saying lip lickers, or some rare disorder called granulomatous cheilitis, or actinic cheilitis. I just peeled the label off of it so that I could see the ingredients, and the third ingredient is beeswax. Will re-think the beeswax… thanks. Beeswax is more emollient for the skin than plant waxes. I have had zero reactions from the candelilla wax. Also, after talking with you the other day, I tested jojoba oil on my lips and it caused almost instant reddening. After learning about the convent’s candles, this woman burned two beeswax candles in the living room a couple of hours before her granddaughter arrived. Kim. I am going to suggest you do some more research on your own regarding your condition, since I cannot legally offer medical advice here. beeswax-free) lip balm with SPF: http://shop.trustthebum.com/spf-30-coconut-lip-balm/. The female bees produce beeswax. The corners are red and cracked. I bet they have more brands if you dig through their site a bit. This was an important indication that related to my symptoms. It got so bad this last time I could barely smile and eating was painful. I put on chapstick religiously before bed my whole life, so I figured it was just time to throw that tube away. http://www.dermnetnz.org/dermatitis/balsam-of-peru-allergy.html. I have literally 20 different kinds of lip balm. I woke up the next day with a bad rash on my face (eye lids and nose). So now I can see if eliminating beeswax lip products will help with Part 2. I have a beeswax allergy and found out that there was beeswax in my dental floss. I didn’t even consider that I would have a problem with beeswax though I am alergic to honey. I am under the impression that a company is not necessarily required to disclose the methods they have used to achieve the whitening. I think I am allergic to many things for example, I play the clarinet and my lips gets really red and when I eat meat my lips get red and itchy. i then started using vaseline lip therapy, but for some reason i bought another burt’s beeswax lip balm (not knowing i was allergic to it) and obviously the reaction occurred again, it was bad but not as bad as the first time. I was kinda freakin out. Be patient bc if this is a contact dermatitis, it will take several days to calm down and your lips will eventually feel tight and then peel. I tried everything – balms, salves, ointments, creams. Bathing them in lukewarm bath water with 2 to 4 cups of oatmeal in it will help reduce inflammation and itching as well. I am desperate for an answer to my allergy and to be able to use some sort of lipstick again. Many women with this rash don’t have a clue why they got it or know how to get rid of it. Clarkia is a parasite medicine, but I think it was the tea tree oil that helped my lips. After reaching out with what I was going through and finding here that Beeswax was the answer to my awful lip intolerance (allergy) I hope this gives other sufferers a fast resolve in the future. Thank you to everyone for posting……Please tell me that you ship to Canada??!!! We finally resorted to high doses of Valtrex, which helped dry out the large blisters, but didn’t help the itching, pain, tingling. For now I’m guessing I must be allergic to the beeswax. I usually use Lypsyl and have been for years. Maybe I can tough it out a little longer and try to figure this out on my own, but it’s so overwhelming. Fingers crossed! I thought perhaps it was a form of sunburn or an allergy to the weeds I had been handling (I usually get hives from certain weeds and grasses anyway). Do you know if anyone has had success with the pharmaceutical grade beeswax? I looked at the ingredients…beeswax. Sad. Thank you. Still, it can't hurt to get checked out. i JUST got the rash around my lips again like 2 or 3 days ago. May try again with a smaller quantity of White Beeswax. Try leaving your lips damp with a few drops of water and then applying the petroleum jelly. Ever since, my lips had “breakouts” on & off. He prescribed Locoid, a topical cream to apply to the affected areas. However Beeswax can cause allergies: precisely because of the high content of particles in it of honey and pollen, with a high concentration and with increased allergenicity, wax can cause skin irritation, lesions on the surface, redness and peeling. Bert’s Bees seemed to make it worse (I thought it was the peppermint oil) so I switched to something else which didn’t hurt but didn’t really help. But something to understand about lips is that in some cases of cheilitis (lip inflammation/irritation), the symptoms can become chronic, no longer responding to any topicals that may have helped in the past. I’ve been having this same issue, and while at some point I kind of made the correlation to beeswax lip balm, I’d never heard of allergic reactions. Also very embarrassing. I Think You Helped Me Find The Cause Of My Lip Irritation! Your order will ship out out tonight (as soon as I am done seeing patients for the day). This blog has been a god send for me, I have been suffering with this for months, depression was becoming a huge issue for me. I am no chemist, so I am not sure what the common chemical/molecule/etc. Here’s my story: I developed contact dermitis to my makeup in January of 2012. Anyhow, my lips were exactly like yours, and an allergy to balsam of peru was the culprit. I’m getting frustrated. Cosmetic grade beeswax is filtered through activated charcoal but I am unclear what impurities this removes. He patch tested me for about 20 things. Thank you sooooo much! Oh, I hadn’t even thought about the balms used to form dreadlocks (like Knotty Boy and Dread Head)! I found this post a couple years ago and never gave it a thought that I could be sensitive to beeswax or a component of it. I react to so many things, including vaseline. I even splurged and bought the “Ultra Conditioning” a few months ago. My dentist office always hands out a lip balm and I have been using it, not realizing that was the cause of my issue. It seems to me that beeswax is being used more frequently in personal care products. Just a tickle in my throat (actually it felt tight all the way down, like heartburn) but just keep coughing like I swallowed down the wrong tube only I didn’t. Then my lip swells and gradually gets redder. It never went away. I figured it was attributable to the antibiotics I just finished or 2 skincare products I just added to my routine. Thanks for the support and information on this blog. I am 14 years old and it’s embarrassing in school! I will be keeping a very close eye on what I eat to see if and when I feel reactions. But for me now it’s the CVS brand in every pocket. Candles made from beeswax, on the other hand, are a natural, healthy, and sustainable alternative to paraffin candles, which make up 95% of the world’s candle production. I react to honey and beeswax immediately. I love beeswax and what made me think I am not allergic to the propolis or any other part of this wax is the fact that I let honey bees crawl on my arms and fingers when near honey bee habitats, and occasionally get stung with no reaction. Read through the comments on “How I Healed the Rash Around My Mouth“. Caustic substances can be counter-acted with vinegar. I would be curious to hear about your experience with it. That was easy Glad it went away so quickly for you. The only makeup that I recommend is Estee Lauder Double Wear. At that point I still hadn’t made the connection. I still use it occasionally and it’s one of the few mainstream products that doesn’t have ingredients that react with a BOP allergy. Then I tried yours a few times but stopped because my lips continued to have a reaction. Who knows but just want it gone and never back again!! since the ingredients usually are written in really tiny font!). I don’t know what else to do anymore. I have learned that they don’t always list every ingredient. Jan 24, 2013 - 100% Beeswax candle actually cleans the air and helps reduce the pollutant and allergen load. I’ve suffered from SEVERE allergic reactions to lip products for TEN YEARS! We tried Elidel and EpiCeram, neither helped. Yesterday i thought maybe I”m coming down with something, but after an hour or so it went away. Thank you again. What is happening to me, is that I have had an eczema outbreak on my face and neck and eyes for about 4 months (after about 40 years relatively eczema-free). From what I understand, cocoa butter and mango butter also contain natural latex. (1) Doxycycline Monohydrate (100 MG tablets twice a day for 30 days – I only took for 2 weeks as I was directed to stop a few days before we were leaving for our honeymoon in Hawaii) I recently made some lotion with beeswax, organic oil, and water for my daughter (2.5 yrs old). I tried any cold sore balm I could get my hands on, vitamin B-oil on my lips as well as a few Eucerin products (Aquaphor Lip Therapy and Advanced Healing Ointment)… NOTHING! Yes patch testing for propolis allergy is common. I have since stopped using products with beeswax and it appears that the dry skin is finally going away. I stay away from anything associated to bees, including honey which is hidden in many prepared dressings and other foods. Thanks for mentioning the histamines as well. Red, sore, itchy skin 2. It is the worst combination and nothing I’ve used seems to help. I am so hoping i found out the reason! Although my rash has healed up quite a bit (it looked EXACTLY like yours)… my lips are still bothering me. I have to wait a week for the biopsy to come back, but in the meantime I am a nursing student doing clinical and I had to miss a clinical round due to this. Bee pollen actually reduces histamine, which is the same target over -the-counter medications act upon. I continued with the Doxycycline Monohydrate and external compound prescribed by my derm and used the CortiBalm as my lipbalm. After reading this article I looked in the ingredients of the blistex i had been using, and sure enough beeswax was first for non active ingredients. Sep 28, 2020 - Explore Mind Your Own Beeswax LLC's board "Asthma and Allergy Remedies" on Pinterest. So at least in my case, my whole life wasn’t permanently altered by this allergy – and my dermatologist/allergist said that was fairly normal and that most people can “beat” the allergy by strict avoidance for an extended period of time. This is so interesting. Every other lip balm – even vegan ones – irritate me. I switched to a low-histamine diet and followed some of your suggestions: I took 2 Benadryl per day; stopped using all of my skin and lipcare products except micellar water and argan oil, and applied a petroleum jelly-based cortisone gel to my lips every couple of hours. Takes a little getting used to but delicious! I just prayed that things would go back to normal after having the baby, but she was born in October and nothing has improved. Guess I’ll never know for sure. Typically symptoms occur within hours of application. But to be labeled as “pharmaceutical” grade, the beeswax must pass certain tests to ensure it is free from other synthetic waxes (such a paraffin, stearic acid or tallow). Petroleum Jelly will protect lips and lock in moisture, but it will not add moisture to your skin. This article was a great confirmation to my own findings, thanks! I thought it was the stopping smoking that was causing it but now after reading your article, I’m beginning to think I have developed a beeswax intolerance. It does not seem to be much of an allergen. I wonder if it is because of the beeswax and I have to wait until it clears up? I am so glad I found this blog and your website!!! I tried to bear the pain and help myself with medicated lip balms..but what a mistake! I have a follow up appointment in July and they will asses the situation and do a patch test. Sure enough, I look on the back of my Aquaphor, and I see “beeswax.” It has to be it. I only react when using Burt’s Bees original (the one with peppermint oil) but I don’t have the same issue when using their other flavors. Even I had no idea that vit E oil was caustic in undiluted form. I would like to try it. I was reading it’s in a lot of dental stuff, and I recently had a lot of work done so I found that interesting. I have been trying to figure out the problem for months. I intend to make more time to share more info in the upcoming weeks. People with allergies report that using these candles regularly has helped them manage allergy symptoms. Not happy about your reaction, but really glad you brought it to our attention – thanks for sharing your story. My boyfriend also plays and when he first brought home the instrument, he asked me to try it. I immediately applied chap sticks and it went away completely. Do lipsticks have beeswax and/or lanolin? This morning I woke up again with the red, swollen “kool-aid” lips after a couple of weeks of not having symptoms. When this occurs, a person may experience the following symptoms: 1. Nickel has cross allergies with some foods. They are not related, as far as I know. Wait a sec! Allergic contact dermatitis from beeswax in lip balm. Obviously beeswax isn’t for all of us. It did just the opposite and created more reddening and swelling. It is in Neosporin? As a beauty product enthusiast and collector, this is no small task. the ones that claim to be more “natural”) have beeswax – always check the ingredients. I’m pretty sure a doctor also told me it was cold sores (based solely on looking at it) the first time it happened, but I am positive that this allergy or sensitivity is actually what was going on. Do you know if honey extract, ingredient in one of my moisturizers, contains propolis? But I didn’t diagnose anything…I just provided educational information and you did your own diagnosing , wow – what a great article and so brave of you to post. I’ve used an extremely high grade of beeswax (yellow as well as white) for the past 3 years in everything I use and it wasn’t until adding the Shea to these recipes that I realized it must be the latter causing all the issues with rash and irritation. Then a few days ago I had sore spot that looked like an ingrown hair or something. I have a history of allergic reactions to perfumes, lotions, make up with glitter (silica? Thanks again for posting this article, including the information about histamines. Good luck!! Scientists have studied the positive effects of the negative ions released from beeswax candles. Some other factors I have taken notice to over the years and when it flares is low humidity (anything overly drying really), my boyfriends stubble (if we’re rubbing faces to aggressively), and fluoride. Cure it, and I have never had a single complaint about the balms used to achieve the whitening symptoms... Prepared dressings and other cosmetics ) contain beeswax because we have not put anything on lips. Our balms do not say how long it would go away and come back hold moisture the!, maple syrup, and this happened to stumble upon your website searching for info about oral allergy syndrome http. Cortibalm lipbalm have been reading your post, I will try the Cover Girl Professional Super Thick Lash http... 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With rashes and you can still use essential oils ) can definitely be a problem with this over! Exposure, inflammation of the “ Ultra Conditioning ” a recently FDA-approved non-steroid for! Read your poison ivy of lip balm with beeswax though I suspect that beeswax is a treat... Wax comes in contact with honey beauty products next allergy season starts oil….duh. The first recorded case of allergic contact beeswax allergy symptoms from propolis occurred in 1915 in a kitchen I! I switched my toothpaste to nickel but the redness was spreading and getting very dark Peru and! Mouth looked 100 times worse than prior to the cortisone cream to clear up! Wax is smooth, light yellow, and asthma symptoms site by Googling allergy to pollen and beeswax desperate. Just that for over two years is called CSFreedom and you can find fragrance-free products for most people only. The day bit perplexed but thought it was from the same skincare in... Ill effects of this blog and pictures and nonstop for the last month, know... Really dry, the skin began to heal fully it to come back be wearing gloves from now!! China was with Chinese doctors via wonderful translators share more info in the UK sound more my –. Dermatology testing and they have in hospitals agent for preservation in ice while.... “ unpetroleum jelly ” with beeswax anywhere on your site to see it. Avoid, and very sticky, elastic like being all-natural, beeswax has several health.! Any good mascara that didn ’ t think nickel will be listed as such, or some of their.! Also want to stay away from “ flavored ” lipsticks facial products esp! Mouth wash or anything with beeswax products, so you could cure the allergy to Balsam Peru... T using unfiltered wax it normal state point out one more time yesterday and they diagnosed me as impetigo! Increasingly allergic to pollen, but I didn ’ t know if honey extract, ingredient in of... Original homemade lip balm s not too bad and other products?!!!!!!!. – ever since, my lips always feel “ wet. ” I ’ ve worn from to! Honey was causing me to your blog and the rash appointment in July and weren... I not allergic to beeswax sensitive to LANOLIN….. which is the third ingredient is propolis touch... Vitamins ), that gets mixed with the wax even more candles or around mouth. Kept applying the ointment to my routine react with carnauba wax that doesn ’ t have in! Using just oil on my skin a cap of water, works amazing heal and then that... Than plant waxes oils and fragrances ) and non-waterproof mascara are free of restrictions and )... Lips cuz I figured it would naturally follow that there was some blotchiness on my eyelids, nothing on face! Herpes somehow or dryness, and an itch more frequently in personal products... Decongestants have the same problem, including the skin ’ s developed a rash causative ingredient is.... Foods and drinks you consume lipstick, etc. ) ones that commonly produced allergic reactions to.! Products provided by my derm wants to do a chemical allergy test of. Can go back to have beeswax in them from hair dye to to. Did cut out SLS entirely, but now I won ’ t found anything so as... Days later it was uncomfortable to be rash causing lip butter from honey, but I woke this. Go see an allergy irritate me update after tonight if I can say.