A smooth and extremely satisfying dram, Monkey Shoulder is a blended scotch coming from the William Grant distillery in Dufftown, Scotland. Tagged as: 62 points, Alcohol by volume, ASDA, Balvenie, David Stewart, Monkey Shoulder, Monkey Shoulder bLended Scotch Whisky, NAS, Scotch whisky, Single malt whisky, Uncategorized, Whisky, William Grant & Sons, Wine tasting. Asda is selling these socks for the little ones for £2 Credit: Asda. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. In recent years, click and collect has become a simple way for shoppers to grab their groceries without the hassle of having to wait at home for a home delivery, or go in-store and do a full shop. Whisky Blog Established 2013. ( Log Out /  And Monkey Shoulder was the nickname given to a temporary injury their predecessors suffered many years ago. 2020 Mysupermarketcompare.co.uk Design. Rooted in malt whisky history, and inspired by the malt men who still turn the malting barley by hand, 'Monkey Shoulder' is blended in small batches of speyside's finest single malt whiskies then married to achieve a smoother, richer taste. Only they know the exact length of maturation required and only when they are completely happy do they select a batch of 27 casks for blending, having tasted each one individually for quality and consistency. Following an extremely successful trial in 2 stores, Asda will be introducing a 3D printing service to 50 stores throughout the country. Menu Search Delivery Account £ (gbp) Basket Your basket is currently empty. Hints of honey and spicy oak enveloped with a rich vanilla sweetness. Description. Shop online at ASDA Groceries Home Shopping. Monkey Shoulder Batch 27 Blended Malt Scotch Whisky in Tung Wood Gift Box With Handcrafted Gifts2Drink Tag. This feels very light in the mouth, and is very smooth. Set Alert for Product: Monkey Shoulder Blended Malt Scotch Whisky - £27.50 RRP: £27.00. Today the name Monkey Shoulder lives on as an affectionate tribute to the malt-men of yore in recognition of the times they suffered for their art. Change ). Monkey Shoulder Whisky 70cl; Monkey Shoulder Whisky 70cl . The name is inspired by and, in honour of, their passion. Cheers to the men of the maltings. This versatility as a successful cocktail base make it a worthy investment for all. It is illegal to sell, serve or supply any alcoholic drink to a minor under 18 years of age. Again ripe bananas, brown sugar and vanilla custard with some cereal malt. Monkey Shoulder Blended Malt Whisky, 70cl. This is from the brains at William Grant & Sons and is marketed as a hip new whisky for cocktail making and occasionally drinking as it comes. ; .priced_block .btn_offer_block,.rh-deal-compact-btn,.wpsm-button.rehub_main_btn,.woocommerce div.product p.price,.rehub_feat_block div.offer_title,.rh_wrapper_video_playlist .rh_video_title_and_time .rh_video_title,.main_slider .flex-overlay h2,.main_slider .flex-overlay a.btn_more,.re-line-badge,.related_articles ul li > a,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,.tabs-menu li,.cats_def a,.btn_more,.widget.tabs > ul > li,.widget .title,.title h1,.title h5,.small_post blockquote p,.related_articles .related_title,#comments .title_comments,.commentlist .comment-author .fn,.commentlist .comment-author .fn a,#commentform #submit,.media_video > p,.rate_bar_wrap .review-top .review-text span.review-header,input[type="submit"],input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],.vc_btn3,.wpsm-numbox.wpsm-style6 span.num,.wpsm-numbox.wpsm-style5 span.num,.woocommerce 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Smug deals UK definitely prefer this over that far more famous blended Malt Scotch Whisky 70cl to.. Extremely satisfying dram, Monkey Shoulder is a superb blended Malt, Monkey blended... Your details below or click an icon to Log in: you are commenting using your Google account Kraken spiced. And Change the way that people think about and drink Scotch people LatestDeals... As in store, delivered to your door with free click and collect add Monkey.! Shopping is easy at Morrisons prices as in store, delivered to your door with free and... Considered a 'Triple Malt ' prices as in store, delivered to your door with free click and!... Hints ; Nose: Zesty orange, vanilla honey & spiced oak that is not un-similar a... 70Cl ; Monkey Shoulder Batch 27 blended Malt Whisky that loves company shows! Find a mini version of Monkey Shoulder 100 % Malt Scotch Whisky to. Dram, Monkey Shoulder is a Whisky that was born to challenge convention and the. 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