Six months after the assassination of Aurelian he was chosen by the senate to succeed him, and the choice was cordially ratified by the army. From the 12th to 22nd of July he was fighting continually, but finally, on the 31st of July, his army was annihilated by overwhelming numbers near Segesvár (Schassburg), Bem only escaping by feigning death. For example, the term M16A2 is meaningful to a military audience because it represents an object that you can see, feel, and use. 28. 2. An army of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lions led by a stag. The petition from the army to the parliament for arrears of pay was suppressed and the petitioners declared enemies of the state. Louis raised an army and marched against him. An army marches on its stomach. Learn the definition of the word "army-and" and how to use army-and in a sentence. Portal returned to Massawa on the 25th of December 1887, and warned the Italians that John was preparing to attack them in the following spring with an army of 100,000 men. Plans have been mooted for a 450,000-strong U "He had patronized Lilburne and welcomed all into his regiment, and the Independents had spread from his troops throughout the whole army. 1. The Council can't talk any sense into A'Ran, and they're amassing this ginormous army to destroy him. Macedonians, and at Prophthasia the commander of the Macedonian cavalry Philotas, the son of Parmenio, and certain others were arraigned before the army on the charge of conspiring against the king's life. Moreover the strategic geography of the country required the greater part of the army to be stationed permanently within reach of the north-eastern and north-western frontiers. The Protector and the council together were given a life tenure of office, with a large army and a settled revenue sufficient for public needs in time of peace; while the clauses relating to religion "are remarkable as laying down for the first time with authority a principle of toleration," 2 though this toleration did not apply to Roman Catholics and Anglicans. And at that moment, though the day was still, a light gust of wind blowing over the army slightly stirred the streamers on the lances and the unfolded standards fluttered against their staffs. He deserted from army intelligence last month. "There are so many prisoners today, nearly the whole Russian army, that he is probably tired of them," said another officer. There is an army of people who would kill for what you possess. Red army in a sentence - Use "red army" in a sentence 1. The whole of my army is advancing. The whole army was extended in three lines: the cavalry in front, behind it the artillery, and behind that again the infantry. Army example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. Abstract words, on the other hand, are hard to understand because they fail to recall experiences of the five senses. Without a military, a country cannot wage war with another for lack of soldiers and weapons to wage it with. In 1915 the field army should, including officers and permanent cadres, be about 1,012,000 strong. I heard a story once about the Army of Souls. 394), a barbarian officer in the Roman army, at the end of the 4th century. The carabinieri or gendarmerie, some 26,500 in number, are part of the standing army; they are recruited from selected volunteers from the army. The army has choked off the enemy's supplies. He had been in the army and used to paint a bit. He then hurried back to Andalusia where he joined the sovereigns, who were now besieging Granada, which he entered with the conquering army in January 1492 and built there a convent of his order. The ordinance establishing the special tribunal for the trial was passed by a remnant of the House of Commons alone, from which all dissentients were excluded by the army. 26. The state demanded men for the army and the corvee as well as dues in kind. Tiridates, who was proclaimed king, could no longer maintain himself, because he appeared to be a vassal of the Romans; Artabanus returned from Hyrcania with a strong army of Scythian (Dahan) auxiliaries, and was again acknowledged by the Parthians. He was with the army. Equally characteristic was his treatment of the mutinous army, in which he suppressed a rebellion in May. Organization.The general organization of the French army at home is based on the system of permanent army corps, the headquarters of which are as follows: I. Army definition, the military forces of a nation, exclusive of the navy and in some countries the air force. We formed our own networks along the river and joined forces with the Twelfth Army. Valentinian attacked them at Solicinium (Sulz in the Neckar valley or Schwetzingen) with a large army, and defeated them with great slaughter, but his own losses were so considerable that he abandoned the idea of following up his success. But Francis of Lorraine, elected emperor in that year, sent an army to the kings support, which in 1746 obtained a signal victory over the Bourbons at Piacenza. I created an army of vamps Eden used to overthrow her enemies while I overthrew mine. 308. General Ricotti Magnani, minister of war, therefore framed an Army Reform Bill designed to bring the Italian army as nearly as possible up to the Prussian standard. In 1681, reinforced by 10,000 Transylvanians and a Turkish army under the pasha of Nagyvarad, he compelled the emperor to grant an armistice. People in the army are called soldiers.Many modern armies have vehicles such as tanks, airplanes, and helicopters to help soldiers fight on the ground.. A soldier may be a volunteer (someone who joins something because they want to), or he may be forced by the government to join the army. Credits for the army and navy were voted almost without a dissentient voice; new battleships were laid down, the strength of the army was increased, and the defences of the exposed eastern border were strengthened. 98 examples: The army's political power distorted rights protection and market fairness… In 1849 he commanded the Russian artillery in the war against the Hungarians, and in 1852 he visited London as a representative of the Russian army at the funeral of the duke of Wellington. It was now evident that the federal idea was impossible, for none of the princes except Victor Emmanuel could be trusted, and that unity and freedom could not be achieved under a republic, for nothing could be done without the Piedmontese army, which was royalist to the core. 2. army corps; it has tribunals of first instance and of commerce, a board of trade-arbitrators, a chamber of commerce, an exchange and a branch of the Bank of France. Murat, left in command of the Grand Army at of ?VapoVilna, abandoned his charge and in the next year made Icons overtures to the allies who coalesced against Napoleon. Deducting vacancies, sick and absent, the effective strength of the active army in 1906 was 540,563; of the gendarmerie and Garde Rpublicaine 24,512; of colonial troops in the colonies 58,568. Clouds from the retreating storm looked like a triumphant army, hauling away its ordinance for another engagement—with only white-gray stragglers tagging behind. Rioting took place at Rome at the prompting of the popular leaders, Sulla narrowly escaping to his legions in Campania, whence he marched on Rome, being the first Roman who entered the city at the head of a Roman army. 2. On the 23rd of February 1657 the Remonstrance offering Cromwell the crown was moved by Sir Christopher Packe in the parliament and violently resisted by the officers and the army party, one hundred officers waiting upon Cromwell on the 27th to petition against his acceptance of it. of Poland and Matthias, were commanded in turn to execute the papal decree of deposition, and Matthias gladly placed his army at the disposal of the Holy See. His name is supposed to be Slavonic. He was educated at the medical school and was at first an army surgeon. The army of the portent's, commanded by Colonel Bartolome Mitre, was defeated at Cepeda by the confederate forces under Urquiza, and Buenos Aires agreed to re-enter the confederation (November 11, 1859). Examples of regular army in a sentence, how to use it. Prince Andrey Ivanovich (1768-1855), general in the Russian army, took a conspicuous part in the final campaigns against Napoleon. Give it them! By my side is the only place anyone will be safe. He crossed the Tigris, destroyed the towns and spoiled the tombs of Arbela; but when Artabanus advanced at the head of an army, he retired to Carrhae. His passage through Cilicia was marked by a violent fever that arrested him for a while in Tarsus, and meantime a great Persian army was waiting for him in northern Syria under the command of Darius himself. In the RussoTurkish War the Servian army, under the personal command of King Milan, besieged Nish, and forced it to capitulate on the 10th January 1878. In consequence the army organized a systematic opposition, and elected representatives styled Agitators or Agents to urge their claims. The government called out all the railwaymen who were army reservists, but continued to keep them at their railway work, exercising military discipline over them and thus ensuring the continuance of the service. As the king had no longer a field army, the war after Naseby resolved itself into a series of sieges which Charles had no means of raising. She twisted her head to see the jumbled outlines of the small army of vamps running toward them from the direction of the burning mountain. In the summer of 1792 he was present for a short time with the army of the north, with his two sons, the duke of Chartres and the duke of Montpensier, but had returned to Paris before the 10th of August. Ex-British Army … He no longer questioned the need for such a trained, disciplined army, or the absence of able-bodied men within the city's walls. During the night the army advanced towards Adowa in three divisions, under Generals Dabormida, Arimondi and Albertone, each division being between 4000 and 5000. Under the stress of the appalling financial conditions represented by chronic deficit, crushing taxation, the heavy expenditure necessary for the consolidation of the kingdom, the reform of the army and the interest on the pontifical debt, Sella, on the 11th of December 1871, exposed to parliament the financial situation in all its nakedness. This, though not a military, is certainly a very salutary, exercise, and one which we very much enjoy. It seemed as though not the trumpeters were playing, but as if the army itself, rejoicing at the Emperors' approach, had naturally burst into music. Innovations were carried out in the tactical system of the army which were to modify considerably the methods of future battle-fields. Men on military service must be granted sufficient free time to fulfil their religious duties. He turned to modify the army placement on the map. The soldiers of the army and navy. 185+53 sentence examples: 1. On the night of the 26th of July 18go the Union Civica called its members to arms. Italian army and navy, but, in virtue of the AngloItalian understanding, assured the practical adhesion of Great Britain to the European policy of the central powers, a triumph probably greater than any registered by Italian diplomacy since the completion. I won't subject you to Elise and her insubordinate rabble, but you'll remain with the other army seniors here as my advisors. Darkyn watched him go then looked again at the hourglass. If that authority falls to nothing,"he said," nothing can follow but confusion. Like almost all Universal Service countries, Italy only drafts a small proportion of the available recruits into the army. Rome, attacked by the French army, was taken by assault after a month's sanguinary siege. "Darkyn incorporated them into his army. On his return to Moscow from the army, Nicholas Rostov was welcomed by his home circle as the best of sons, a hero, and their darling Nikolenka; by his relations as a charming, attractive, and polite young man; by his acquaintances as a handsome lieutenant of hussars, a good dancer, and one of the best matches in the city. Thus a month was lost, during which the Abyssinian army advanced to Hausen, a position slightly south of Adowa. He entered the Austrian army as an infantry officer in 1801, and saw much service in the Napoleonic wars. His army was the greatest that the Romans had ever seen. There is an army of people who would kill for what you possess. 1. But the day showed the ' B attle of Macedonian army equal to the task. No other regular army unit has a chance out here. 7. The shouting grew still louder and merged into a general roar that only an army of several thousand men could produce. Here he was shut in by a superior force of Spaniards, and made preparations to defend himself until relieved by the army which Orange was collecting on the eastern frontier. ; 5. When Titus and his army withdrew from Jerusalem, the 10th legion was left as a permanent Roman garrison, and a fortified camp for their occupation was established on the western hill. I can call out an army of my own. Custozza might have been afterwards retrieved,, for Italians had plenty of fresh troops besides Cialdinis army; nothing was done, as both the king and La Marraora believed situation to be much worse than it actually wa,s. How to use army in a sentence. ; 8. To gratify his own imagination or strike the imagination of the world he took his army over the Danube and burnt a settlement of the Getae upon the other side. As Sweden was known to be exhausted by the long wars of Gustavus Adolphus and his successors, and weakened by internal dissensions, the dismemberment seemed an easy matter, and Peter embarked on the scheme with a light heart; but his illusions were quickly dispelled by the eccentric young Swedish king, Charles XII., who arrived suddenly in Esthonia and completely routed the Russian army before Narva. Not only did she govern Lombardy and Venetia directly, but Austrian princes ruled in Modena, Parma and Tuscany; Piacenza, Ferrara and Comacchio had Austrian garrisons; Prince Metternich, the Austrian chancellor, believed that he could always secure the election of an Austrophil pope, and Ferdinand of Naples, reinstated by an Austrian army, had bound himself, by a secret article of the treaty of June 12, 1815, not to introduce methods of government incompatible with those adopted in Austrias Italian possessions. Thus in Italy the universal service system, though probably the best organization both for the army and the nation, works with a maximum of friction. The equipment of the standing army is thoroughly modern, the infantry being provided with Mauser rifles and the artillery with Krupp batteries. The Austriai general, Melas, signed an armistice whereby he was to retir with his army beyond the river Mincio. (1) Use concrete words. Reorganization of the army. Examples of military is in a sentence: 1. The soldiers battled against the opposing, 29. But to Napoleons statement that he could not agree to the unification of Italy, as he was bound by his promises to Austria at Villafranca, Victor Emmanuel replied that he himself, after Magenta and Solferino, was bound in honor to link his fate with that of the Italian people; and Genetal Manfredo Fanti was sent by the Turin government to organize the army of the Central League, with Garibaldi under him. 11. Piedmontese finances had been strained to breaking-point to organize an army obviously intended for other than merely defensive purposes. He had someone better than an army watching him. Now the rebel army has regrouped and reorganised. By evening, the adjutants had spread it to all ends and parts of the army, and in the night from the nineteenth to the twentieth, the whole eighty thousand allied troops rose from their bivouacs to the hum of voices, and the army swayed and started in one enormous mass six miles long. At Makall, however, he left a small garrison in the fort, which on the 7th of January 1896 was invested by the Abyssinian army. The French navy is manned partly by voluntary enlistment, partly by the transference to the navy of a certain proportion of each years recruits for the army, but mainly by a system known as inscription maritime. In 210 B.C. 10. On the 1st of October he routed the remnant of the Bourbon army 40,000 strong on the Volturno. Although the idol of his victorious army, and in a position enabling him to exercise autocratic power, he laboured unostentatiously for more than a year and a half as a member of the parliament, whose authority he supported to the best of his ability. of an Austro-Russian army, led by that strange but magnetic being, Suvarov, decided the campaign in northern Italy. I have no planet, half an army, no food or water for my people, and I must broker a peace deal. Army definition is - a large organized body of armed personnel trained for war especially on land. But as in Ireland so Cromwell's policy in Scotland was unpopular and was only upheld by the maintenance of a large army, necessitating heavy taxation and implying the loss of the national independence. He, indeed, was not disposed to concede to public opinion anything beyond an increase of the army, a measure insistently demanded by Garibaldi and the Left. In 1636 he was made lieutenantgeneral of the army. On the 7th of November Garibaldi accompanied Victor Emmanuel during his solemn entry into Naples, and on the morrow returned to Caprera, after disbanding his volunteers and recommending their enrolment in the regular army. "The army faction gradually gathered strength in the parliament. the armed forces of a country. It was the only way to build the army she needed to protect her world. The marshals, accompanied by adjutants, galloped off in different directions, and a few minutes later the chief forces of the French army moved rapidly toward those Pratzen Heights which were being more and more denuded by Russian troops moving down the valley to their left. It is an important military cantonment and sanatorium, being the headquarters of a brigade in the second division of the northern army corps. The wazir now bethought him that he had a good opportunity for satisfying an old quarrel against the adjoining tribe of Rohillas, who had played fast and loose with him while the Mahratta army was at hand. This website focus on english words and example sentences, so everyone can learn how to use them. He was with the army. The chief of staff of the army is also a member of the council. In Mesopotamia and Yemen disturbance was endemic; nearer home, a semblance of loyalty was maintained in the army and among the Mussulman population by a system of delation and espionage, and by wholesale arrests; while, obsessed by terror of assassination, the sultan withdrew himself into fortified seclusion in the palace of Yildiz. 4. These soon became so serious that a league was formed to crush him, and Maurice of Saxony led an army against his former comrade. It was impossible not to retreat a day's march, and then in the same way it was impossible not to retreat another and a third day's march, and at last, on the first of September when the army drew near Moscow--despite the strength of the feeling that had arisen in all ranks--the force of circumstances compelled it to retire beyond Moscow. The Territorial Army and its reserve (members of which undergo two short periods of training) are, however, allocated to local service. I'm wondering if they are what Darkyn was after, not killing Death. "And so you think Napoleon will manage to get an army across?" In England the second military member of the Army Council is styled adjutant-general to the forces. : In 1999, the US army chaplaincy recognized the neo-pagan Wicca as a legitimate faith. Orders were given to raise recruits, ten men in every thousand for the regular army, and besides this, nine men in every thousand for the militia. His army was the greatest that the Romans had ever seen. The U.S. military uses many unique acronyms, terms and jargon. The agitators demanded immediate settlement by force by the army. 47. Weller squirmed his large frame around, reaching into his pocket, retrieving first a handkerchief, then a set of keys and eventually a red Swiss Army knife. In the spring of 334, Alexander crossed with an army of between 30,000 and 40,000 men, Macedonians, Illyrians, Thracians and the contingents of the Greek states, into Asia. The Goths, except in the valley of the P0, resembled an army of occupation rather than a people numerous enough to blend with the Italic stock. The vamp army I created is gathering at the bridge on the western edge of the city. In the army itself the esprit de corps and the sense of duty and discipline nullified the work of the propagandists. (small, weak) " They fled from the approaching army. 8. Colonial Troops.These form an expeditionary army corps in France to which are attached the actual corps of occupation to the various colonies, part white, part natives. These figures are, with a fractional increase in the Regular Army, applicable to-day. In 1824 Port Cornwallis was the rendezvous of the fleet carrying the army to the first Burmese war. On the 31st of May 1647 Cromwell had ordered Cornet Joyce to prevent the king's removal by the parliament or the Scots from Holmby, and Joyce by his own authority and with the king's consent brought him to Newmarket to the headquarters of the army. In the course of 1551 one of the factions of Kazan offered the whole khanate to the young tsar, and on the 20th of August 1552 he stood before its walls with an army of 150,000 men and 50 guns. He remained at Lincoln, did nothing to prevent the defeat of Essex's army in the west, and when he at last advanced south to join Essex's and Waller's troops his management of the army led to the failure of the attack upon the king at Newbury on the 27th of October 1644. 2. In 1627 he commanded the large forces assembled at the siege of La Rochelle; and some years after in 1635, during the Thirty Years' War, he was general of the French army in Lorraine. Voluntary enlistments in the French army are permissible, within certain limits, at the age of eighteen, and the engages serve for at least three years. His army found itself a little to the north of the town near the village of Legnano, when the troops of the city, assisted only by a few allies from Piacenza, Verona, Brescia, Novara and Vercelli, met and overwhelmed it. No serious mutinies have ever occurred in the Italian army, and the only results of the propaganda were occasional meetings of hoohgans, where Hervist sentiments were expressed and applauded, and a few minor disturbances among reservists unexpectedly called back to the colors. From information he had received the evening before, from the sound of wheels and footsteps heard by the outposts during the night, by the disorderly movement of the Russian columns, and from all indications, he saw clearly that the allies believed him to be far away in front of them, and that the columns moving near Pratzen constituted the center of the Russian army, and that that center was already sufficiently weakened to be successfully attacked. both army and navy, but advocated cordial relations with Berlin and Vienna as a guarantee against French domineering, and as a pledge that Italy would be vouchsafed time to effect her armaments without disturbing financial equilibrium. Meanwhile behind his back the royalists had risen all over England, the fleet in the Downs had declared for Charles, and the Scottish army under Hamilton had invaded the north. The war strength was estimated in 1901 as, Active Army (md. The military regime has promised to restore democracy soon. By this law, every man liable and accepted for service served for eight or nine years on the Active Army and its Reserve (of which three to five were spent with the colors), four or, five in the Mobile Militia, and the rest of the service period of nineteen years in the Territorial Militia. A month later the ambitious young general, Joubert, who took over Moreaus command and raffled part of Macdonalds following, was utterly routed by the Austro-Russian army at Novi (August 15) with the loss of 12,000 men. Next day, the army began its campaign, and up to the very battle of Austerlitz, Boris was unable to see either Prince Andrew or Dolgorukov again and remained for a while with the Ismaylov regiment. "The Presbyterians, however, now engaged in a plan for restoring the king under their own control, and by the means of a Scottish army, forced on their policy, and on the 27th of May ordered the immediate disbandment of the army, without any guarantee for the payment of arrears. 3. Examples of Military in a sentence. In the city and province of Buenos Aires, plenty of volunteers offered their services, and an army of some twenty-five thousand men was quickly raised, but they were armed with old-fashioned weapons and there was only a limited supply of ammunition. A third Italian army would, if expedient, pass into Germany, to operate against either France or Russia. Tuscany and Naples had both joined the Italian league; a Tuscan army started for Lombardy on the 3oth of April, and 17,000 Neapolitans commanded by Pepe (who had returned after 28 years of exile) went to assist Durando in intercepting the Austrian reinforce1irnts under Nugent. It forms part of the educational division (academie) of Douai and of the region of the second army corps, its military centre being at Amiens, where also is its court of appeal. But much precious time had been lost, and even then the army was not ready. That work was on the point of opening its most brilliant chapter by an invasion of the great king's dominions; the army was concentrated and certain forces had already been sent on to occupy the opposite shore of the Hellespont. After several skirmishes, the national army commanded by General Roca, containing many troops seasoned in Indian campaigns, assaulted the portenos posted before Buenos Aires, and after two days' hard fighting (20th and 21st July) forced its way into the town. Skill and confidence are an unconquered army. Garibaldi demanded that all his officers should be n equivalent rank in the Italian army, and in this he had the port of Fanti. this important place, the headquarters and treasure city of the Punic army, was stormed and taken with great slaughter by P. Scipio. Her army is drilled only in battle. If his plan failed, he'd send the remaining members of the army with the people north, until they met Dierdirien's armies. He's building an Army of Souls to attack the human world. Most of the army has been in the south and are beyond our ability to recall in time. In 1138 he made a truce at Roxburgh between England and Scotland, and took active part in gathering together the army which defeated the Scots at the Battle of the Standard in August 1138. 5. 4. From politeness and to start conversation, they asked him a few questions about the army and the battle, and then the talk went off into merry jests and gossip. asked Boris with a smile. A member of the Hofkriegsrath from Vienna had come to Kutuzov the day before with proposals and demands for him to join up with the army of the Archduke Ferdinand and Mack, and Kutuzov, not considering this junction advisable, meant, among other arguments in support of his view, to show the Austrian general the wretched state in which the troops arrived from Russia. Both the army and the parliament gave cold replies to his offers to negotiate; and Charles, on the 27th of December 1647, entered into the Engagement with the Scots by which he promised the establishment of Presbyterianism for three years, the suppression of the Independents and their sects, together with privileges for the Scottish nobles, while the Scots undertook to invade England and restore him to his throne. The army and navy were of course out of the question. army of 350,000 men was now free to fall on Italy. The army is always maintained at a low peace effective (about one-quarter of war establishment) and even this was reduced, by the absence of the recruits, until there were often only i~ rank and file with a company, whose war strength is about 230. Pants leg up to reveal an army base concerning matters of religion out in the war of 1812 during. Under the preceding administration above have been mooted for a 450,000-strong Ukrainian, 17 of people who kill... 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